Supporting your kidneys with vitamins.
![]() What would I do for kidney health? Recently I have been asked a lot what I would do to help support my kidneys. Kidney health is very important as it is a top 10 reason for death and transplants do not last very long after you are 50 or older. If you have had a transplant and are over 50 then on average 50% of people will die in 6 years. Kidney issues are a big issue for the those who have type 2 diabetes and those with chronic conditions. If I had any kidney problems or wanted to prevent kidney problems this is what I would do.
Vitamin C for Kidney Health Linus Pauling took vitamin C for his kidneys and he said it helped him a lot! This is why I first started looking into using vitamin C for kidney health. Vitamin C is not studied for kidney health but I have seen some amazing results (from people who have kidney problems) and vitamin C cannot hurt you (there are no known cases of vitamin C hurting kidneys). I would try taking 3,000mg of vitamin C an hour before each meal and then 3,000mg before bed time. Multi-Wow for Kidney Health I also would take 1 capsule of Multi-Wow after each meal (and one before bed). Multi -Wow has lots of ingredients that have been studied for kidney health although most of the ingredients are smaller factors in kidney health when put all together they are a great team. My clients have said they have tried other products and they have not found anything else that works as well. Repeat Dosing for Kidney Health I have had clients that have taken both Muli-Wow and Vitamin C and they have had great results. They improved. They still had kidney problems, but were doing better. Many vitamins are filtered out by your kidneys which brings the vitamins to the kidneys where it can use them. Repeated doses are necessary to keep the vitamins flowing through the kidneys. The vitamins going through your kidneys are greatly reduced after about four hours (for instance researchers say that the half life of vitamin C is 30 minutes). I would want high levels of vitamins and nutrients in my kidneys on a continual basis so they can work to the best of their ability. This routine keeps nutrient levels high and gives them at the right intervals to optimize health of the kidneys. Read Our update in the next column. *Individuals have unique cases and results may vary. If you have kidney problems consult a doctor. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. This article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All statements made above have not been evaluated by the FDA. |
Update! Vitamin C & Q10
Fat Soluble Vitamin C for Kidney Health
This is also a variation of what I just talked about. I do think taking all four Multi-Wow pills is even better than just 3, so taking them 4 times a day to get that repeated nutrition flowing through your kidneys is what I would do (or I could take 1 at breakfast, 2 at lunch, 1 at dinner).
In this variation I add some fat soluble vitamin C (Ascorbyl Palmitate) in with the water soluble vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid). This fat soluble vitamin C stays in your body longer, but does cost a lot more than it's water soluble counter part. The last step in this variation is already in Multi-Wow, but the studies I have read on Q10 and kidneys are positive so I might think about taking even more. However, I would only do this after I had done all the previous steps and still needed more support. |